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louisa williams, ND


A Brief Description of Cell Salts

Cell salts, also known as tissue salts, were originated by the German physician, W. H. Schuessler, in 1873. Dr. Schuessler was a student of Rudolf Virchow, MD, who taught that the body is a collection of cells and that healing cellular dysfunction should be central to medical treatments. Believing Virchow’s “cell theory” to be correct, Schuessler found that it was the deficiency of minerals in cells that primarily caused disease, and that supplementing with these minerals in small doses were key in healing both acute and chronic illness. The resulting cell salt remedies he developed are still being used today by holistic doctors and practitioners to balance mineral deficiencies and support normal structure and functioning in the body. 

The following is a brief description of the cell salts available on this website:

Calcarea fluorica is the main mineral compound found in tooth enamel. It is thus recommended after dental drilling to support the regeneration of enamel as well as in patients with deficient development of enamel. It is also prescribed to reduce dental cavities and for delayed dentition in children (teeth are erupting too slowly or late). Other indications for the supplementation of Calc fluor are dry skin with cracks in the palms of the hands or lips, hemorrhoids, and for joint pain. (Note that calcium fluoride is non-toxic and a mineral compound that is naturally found in the body. In contrast, sodium fluoride is toxic and added to conventional toothpastes and given to patients in non-biological dentists’ offices.) 

Cell salts work well together when combined. For example, for delayed dentition in children (teeth are erupting too slowly or late), Calc fluor, Calc phos, and Silicea are often prescribed together. And since Mag phos also helps harden dental enamel, it is often combined with Calc fluor, Calc phos, and/or Silicea post-dental drilling or surgery.

Calcarea phosphoricum is the major constituent in bones and teeth. It is commonly prescribed for teething problems, after dental drilling or surgery, to reduce tooth decay, and to stimulate the timely eruption of teeth. An insufficient supply of calcarea phosphoricum can result in deficient nutrition and retarded growth, thus it is often needed during puberty to encourage normal growth and development. In the same way Calc phos can be helpful to prevent fractures and reduce osteoporotic tendencies in the elderly. 

Cell salts work well together when combined. For example, for delayed dentition in children (teeth are erupting too slowly or late), Calc fluor, Calc phos, and Silicea are often prescribed together. And since Mag phos helps harden dental enamel, it is often combined with Calc fluor, Calc phos, and/or Silicea post-dental drilling or surgery. To restore the body after major acute illnesses and to treat fatigue and anemia, Calc phos and Ferrum phos are often taken together. Additionally, Calc phos and Mag phos are often prescribed in combination to treat muscle or menstrual cramps and spasms.

Ferrum phosphoricum makes up hemoglobin that carries oxygen throughout the body. It is thus commonly prescribed to treat fatigue and anemia (clinically evidenced by positive blood tests as well as sub-clinically when blood tests are negative but fatigue and weakness are significant), and to reduce hemorrhages (nose bleeds, excessive menstrual flow, and wounds). Note that Ferrum phos cell salts do not cause constipation as many iron supplements do. This cell salt is also typically given during the early stages of fever and inflammation or when one feels a cold or flu coming on in conjunction with being tired and run down. In fact, a Philadelphia homeopath, Dr. Garth Boericke, once described Ferrum phos as “the children’s antibiotic,” and suggested prescribing it immediately in cases of fever, coughing, and congestion. This important cell salt is additionally prescribed to treat weakness and fatigue in the elderly.

Cell salts work well together when combined. For example, to restore the body after major acute illnesses and to treat fatigue and anemia, Calc phos and Ferrum phos are often taken together. For nervous exhaustion, excessive studying (overworked students), or chronic anxiety, Ferrum phos is often combined with Kali phos, which also can reduce anemia. Additionally, Ferrum phos and Kali mur have been taken together to naturally reduce fevers, as well as for colds and chronic catarrhal conditions.

Kali muriaticum is an essential component in muscles, nerves, blood, and brain cells. It is thus commonly prescribed to treat generally sluggish conditions and nerve and brain degeneration, to aid in the process of convalescence and to rebuild one’s strength. Kali mur is also indicated in the healing of gums and is therefore often used in the treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis.

Cell salts work well together when combined. For example, Ferrum phos and Kali mur have been taken together to naturally reduce fevers, as well as for colds and chronic catarrhal conditions. Additionally, Kali mur is often indicated with Calc phos, Silicea, Calc fluor, and Mag phos after dental tooth or gum surgery, or after drilling with the placement of new fillings and crowns.

Kali phosphoricum is a nerve nutrient. It is thus commonly prescribed as a natural tranquilizer to help restore and regenerate the nervous system in exhausted students (“brain fog”), overworked executives, and all individuals who have experienced chronic stress and anxiety, injury, or grief. Since it us a necessary component of nervous tissue, it is also used in the treatment of shingles as well as other inflammatory skin conditions. It has additionally been prescribed to treat acute conditions such as shock and sudden blood loss from injuries.

Cell salts work well together when combined. For example, Ferrum phos and Kali phos have been taken together to improve the oxygen circulation in the body and reduce anemic conditions. Further, Kali phos and Mag phos work well together in most fully restoring nerve cells to optimal functioning, with the addition of Kali mur in some cases as well.

Magnesium phosphoricum is antispasmodic. This cell salt compound makes up the white matter of muscles and nerves, and can therefore reduce spasmodic darting pains in sciatica and neuralgia as well as the violent pain of menstrual and muscle cramps.

Cell salts work well together when combined. For example, Kali phos (works primarily on the gray nerve fibers) and Mag phos (works primarily on the white nerve fibers) function most optimally when combined together in the restoration of nerve and brain cells. Mag phos and Calc phos work best when taken together in the treatment of cramping pain. And since Mag phos also helps harden dental enamel, it is often combined with Calc fluor, Calc phos, and/or Silicea for delayed dentition in children (teeth are erupting too slowly or late), or post-dental drilling or surgery. Finally, in depleted patients such as long-term vegans, it can be used initially in conjunction with Calc phos and Kali phos, as a gentle mineral supplement to restore energy and begin the regeneration of the body’s nerves and muscles.

Silica is abundant in grasses and grains, and is thus indicated in supporting the health of our structure, or connective tissue, including the skin, hair, nails, teeth and bones. It is also a profound detoxifier and has been called the “homeopathic surgeon” since it has been able in cases to create a passage to the surface for the discharge of pus or other foreign matter. Thus, this cell salt is often prescribed in the treatment of abscesses and boils, or whenever one is trying to erupt or eject toxic foreign materials from the body. (Some practitioners caution its use in patients with implants—hip or dental— for this reason. This should always be taken into mind but it would take really high amounts of Silicea to cause any kind of stress in these foreign objects—if it’s possible at all to affect them, and that level of long-term and high dosage amounts should be never prescribed.)

Cell salts work well together when combined. Since Silicea greatly supports dental growth and development, it is often combined with Calc fluor, Calc phos, and/or Mag phos for delayed dentition in children (teeth are erupting too slowly or late), or post-dental drilling or surgery.

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1 Comment

Wild Swan
Wild Swan
Jan 28, 2023

Would you please tell me what type of alcohol and other materials are added to the basic ingredient for the cell salts? For example, I want to avoid xylito.

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