These are the notes that were handed out to the audience at the Weston A. Price Foundation's Wise Traditions conference held in Texas this past weekend.
In 1789, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann originated the field of homeopathy. Since then this holistic method of healing has spread around the world and alleviated the suffering of countless individuals. Acute homeopathy has been particularly successful, that is, the prescription of a homeopathic remedy for a recent illness or injury that lasts for a relatively short period of time.
Constitutional Homeopathy More Challenging
Unfortunately, the field of constitutional homeopathy has not enjoyed the same level of success. This method of prescribing a single homeopathic remedy for one’s particular constitutional weaknesses and symptoms for an individual’s entire lifetime is of course, by definition, more challenging than prescribing a remedy during acute situations.
The New Sensation Method of Constitutional Homeopathy
At the turn of this century a group of doctors in India discovered a new and revolutionary constitutional homeopathic system they termed the “Sensation Method,” that is so extraordinarily effective it has been referred to as “The greatest thing since Hahnemann." Dr. Divya Chhabra and her husband, Dr. Rajan Sankaran, are the leaders of this new method.
Disease Arises from the Unconscious Mind
The rationale for the Sensation Method is the fact that disease does not originate in the conscious mind. That is, as Dr. Divya Chhabra says “There is nothing wrong with your IQ!” Disease emanates from our unconscious minds—the part of our brain that has been estimated to control 90% of our neuronal functioning.
Our unconscious minds serve us by controlling our automatic functions—breathing, heartbeat, reflex actions, neurotransmitter release, hormone levels—to maintain balance and homeostasis in the body. Even walking, swimming, and driving—although they are all learned conscious skills at first—shift into the unconscious circuitry over time. That is why you can talk and drive, but immediately swerve and brake if you see a bicyclist jump out in front of you. This emergency reflex responsiveness is one of the advantages of the unconscious and conscious minds running parallel to each other, but also being separate.
The disadvantage is that the unconscious mind does not lay down memories or images in an orderly manner. Dr. Divya Chhabra, who has developed her own subset of the Sensation Method called “The Leap to the Similimum,” likens the unconscious to a jigsaw puzzle. That is, our memories are not stored linearly like in the conscious mind, but in a random and disorganized fashion. For example, in our conscious mind we may primarily remember the location and the people involved during our car accident, while in our unconscious mind we remember the sensations—the screeching noise, the red color of the blood on our forehead, the burning smell, the sharp pain, and so forth. These sensations are experienced through the ancient and primordial neurons of our five senses in milliseconds—taste, touch, smell, seeing, and hearing—before our conscious mind even reacts. Dysfunction and disease can easily arise from this unconscious part of our brain when these impressions and scenes are laid down in a disordered and disturbed manner, and get conflated with other images. Our unconscious minds holds these billions of images and impressions made over our lifetime similar to the randomness of our dreams, where in one scene we are in our hometown and the next we are flying over the ocean or in a New York skyscraper.
The Unconscious Mind Holds the Key to the Remedy
To find the correct remedy we must access the patient’s unconscious mind through speaking its language through the five senses. For example, hearing that a patient suffers from “migraine headaches” won’t lead the homeopath to the correct remedy. But the description of “hot, sharp, and pulsing pain that feels like a volcano erupting” contains valuable sensation words that can be inquired into further to find the appropriate constitutional remedy for this patient.
New Connections = New Insights = New Patterns of Health
Fortunately, our brains have the ability to remake and reorder these disturbed unconscious patterns. Modern neurology has termed this phenomenon “plasticity,” that is, the ability of neurons to constantly make new connections. These new healthier connections that help balance and make the conscious and unconscious mind pattern more congruent can be made through various effective treatments, including an organic Wise Traditions diet that excludes one’s primary food allergies, quality psychological work, and the constitutional homeopathic remedy.
When we match the disturbed internal state of the patient to the similar homeopathic medicine, this unconscious pattern becomes less prominent over time as the patient continues to dose the remedy on a weekly or monthly schedule. Additionally, the conscious mind begins to witness this disturbed and irrational disease state and see it for what it is—a delusion.
Happiness Should be the Norm, Not the Exception
In conclusion, disease is irrational. We are supposed to be healthy and happy. Occasional sadness over the death of a loved one or fear on the first day of school are appropriate emotions in the normal tapestry of life. But chronic fear and anxiety, or ongoing depression and sadness, are not normal. Remember the smiling faces of the Peruvian Indians, the Swiss villagers, and the New Zealand Maoris Dr. Price photographed? They are the picture of health, in stark contrast to the common picture of modern man medicating his fatigue with coffee while hurrying along with a DNA-damaging cell phone jammed to his ear.
The correct constitutional homeopathy according to the new Sensation Method, and specifically Dr. Chhabra’s Leap to the Similimum system, reduces these chronic unconscious distortion patterns that maintain disease and dysfunction, so that over time we can begin to experience more of the optimal health state that traditional cultures enjoyed and is indeed our birthright as well.
For more information, please read the article The Revolutionary New Sensation System of Homeopathy.